notacoder I write about coding stuff


Welcome to my little stupid blog where I write articles about coding stuff such as Laravel, Livewire, Alpine, VueJs, Inertia, Tailwind and more...

With version 3.3, Vue introduced the new defineModel macro that simplifies by a lot two-way bindings. Let's see how we can use it with a very simple practical example.

Eloquent order by Many-To-Many relationship

Laravel Eloquent
When working with Laravel's eloquent builder we some time need to order our results by some specific column. While it's easy an obvious when it comes to simple models it becomes trickier when working and loading relations. I found many examples on how to achieve this with one-to-one relationships or even one-to-many, but struggled to find good examples and solutions for many-to-many relationships.

How to personalise Mailcoach navigation and menu items

Laravel Spatie Mailcoach
Installing Mailcoach as a standalone application is trivial, doing it on an existing Laravel application still pretty easy, but extending it and personalising it not that obvious. Let's dive into some menu and navigation personalisation.